Saturday, May 5, 2012

When will I get married spread

Madame Nadia has given an excellent demontration of this spread here

First of all you select a significator usually a court card to represent the querent.I did the same for a friend of mine who is almost my age. I chose the King of Diamond for him since he is the one with lost of investment ideas and money around him.

Next you shuffle and take out 20 cards from the spread. This is the yes/no answer for the question if the person will get married at all.

The interesting 20 cards were:
The King of Diamonds is the very first card and the only other Queen we have in the spread is Queen of Spades. He actually have been married before and that Lady could be the Queen of Spades. They have been divorced now. The only other court card if King of Hearts who is closer to Queen that him. This could be another man in the future wife's spread.

Since the King has appeared in the 20 cards, this means a Yes, so moving on to next step for determining the "when" part, we divide the cards into 5 piles of 4 each. Whichever pile contains the significator card is the indicator of timing.

Here is the breakdown of the five piles by Madame Nadia:

(1) Marriage within 1-2 years.
(2) Marriage within 2-5 years. Possibly a long period of dating, and living together, without an official ceremony.
(3) Marriage will take place, but only after 5+ years.
(4) No marriage in first 5-6 years. A possibility of a broken engagement.
(5) No marriage at all. (Look at the surrounding cards to see why it hasn’t happened).

The King is found in the 3rd pile which means the marriage will take place only after 5 years.

The other cards are 9 of Clubs, 5 of Hearts and 3 of Hearts. 9 of Clubs can represent someone from distance or someone from far away. 5 of Hearts usually refers to a girlfriend or a loved one female in querent's life. The 3 of Hearts refers to falling in love and meeting new love. I think the chances are that he will fall in love while travelling or with a girl who lives far away.

The perspectives look encouraging for him.

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