Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Daily Kipper cards draw July 24, 2012

Since I have just started working with the Kipper cards, I decided to make good use of the daily draw ritual I carry put with my lenormand cards. The lenormand cards have been on and off about serious and most unseen matters in my day. Most of the times these both oracle have shocked me by showing same message in a daily reading.

Today's cards:

24 Theft _ 20-House _ 31- Short Illness

The first intuition, something missing from home or personal life is making me feel sick. I think I get what it means. I have yet not decided on which card is going to be my main card or the theme card for the daily draw, but the way these cards have been giving me info, I would rather read them as a story instead of a theme and two modifying cards.

Theft card is the negative card. So is the Short Illness card. This card tells there is something lost, or I will be taking something away from the home. Since I'm not the later kind, I will believe its the first one. The House is one's comfort and stability which is disrupted by the short-illness. House-Short Illness may also mean a small problem arising at home. We have to wait for the day to end to see how it goes.

I felt like being deprived of my right that I contribute something towards the home. I have been busy doing my share of work at home and yet someone said I do not share the burden at all. It actually made me feel very sick. How disappointing!

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